Signing ceremony agreement on building development strategy for Ba Thanh Trading and Production Co., Ltd
Viện Nghiên cứu Phát triển Lãnh đạo Chiến lược
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On March 6, 2022, the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (Sleader) and Ba Thanh Trading and Production Co., Ltd signed a cooperation agreement to build a development strategy for the Company.
In the framework of the program to support small and medium-sized enterprises to build development strategies in the post-Covid-19 period, Ms. Duong Thi Thu, Director of the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research signed a consulting contract with Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Trung, Director of Ba Thanh Trading and Production Co., Ltd. Accordingly, Sleader commits to accompany the Company in formulating and implementing the strategy, turning Ba Thanh Tailor into a strong brand in Western clothing and Ao Dai.
Ms. Duong Thi Thu and Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Trung are discussing the contents of the consulting contract.
Thoi Dai Tailor, famous in Saigon since 1965, is associated with the name of Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, who has constantly researched and sought for modern beauties in Western clothing styles combined with the sophistication and tradition of Eastern costumes. At that time, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Thanh was an intelligencer under the guise of a tailor with the alias “Ba Thanh”. He was undercover at Thoi Dai Tailor, where many army generals and officials of the Saigon Government came to sew European clothes. After the day of reunification, Mr. Ba Thanh returned to Hanoi, worked at the Commando Unit, and retired with the rank of Colonel. The know-how accumulated during secret operations at Thoi Dai Tailor was passed on to his children by Mr. Ba Thanh. The meticulousness and refinement in each needlepoint has created a modern, elegant, and sophisticated outfit. All these features are being maintained and developed by his children.
The two parties have completed the signing of a strategic consulting contract
With the cooperation with Sleader to draw up a development strategy, the next generation of Ba Thanh tailors wants to realize the wishes of the founders, bringing the brand Ba Thanh Tailor to reach out nationally and internationally by concrete, reasonable and firm steps.
News and photos: Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (Sleader)