VACOD – Businesses need to clearly understand the “disease” to “cut medicine” correctly
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The topic “Synergy: The universal key to business problems” was shared at the “Business Breakfast” program organized by the Vietnam Association for Consumer Goods Development (VACOD) on September 23. attracting the large participation of delegates as well as member businesses from the two associations…
Malik contract – “unblocking” the management stage
“With the purpose of helping businesses learn more about new forms of governance, at this week’s “Business Breakfast” program, VACOD and HBA in collaboration with the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) introduced businessmen with a management method from Switzerland. Hopefully businesses will find this method suitable to apply to their businesses when needed,” said Ms. Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Standing Vice President of the Vietnam Association for Consumer Goods Development (VACOD). at the program.

Sharing about the new form of governance with the content “Synergy: The universal key to business problems”, Dr. Duong Thu, Director of the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER), emphasized: “Malik Synchronization Technology is an exclusive technology of the Malik Institute, Switzerland, allowing the synchronization and integration of intelligence, contact of many people at the same time to solve all organizational problems in the fastest and most accurate way.

According to Dr. Duong Thu, businesses should Synchronize when there are long and expensive projects that are ineffective or the internal change process is slow… “The effectiveness of Synchronicity has been proven when applied thousands of times.” in many countries around the world, more than 30,000 people participated with more than 90% positive feedback” – Dr. Duong Thu affirmed.
Is Synergy the “Universal Key”?
Particularly interested in this management technology, however, Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyet Huong – Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of TNG Holdings Vietnam Investment Joint Stock Company is still wondering whether the application of Malik Synchronization is different from the way other businesses are managing. How to reason? How will Malik management technology help businesses achieve greater efficiency in digital transformation?…
Mr. Pham Cao Son – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hudland Real Estate Investment and Development Joint Stock Company said that Malik Synchronization technology has “scratched the itch” of HudLand. According to Mr. Son, HudLand’s personnel are currently lacking connection with each other. Applying this method will help employees become more connected to each other, and leaders will have more time for creativity and brainstorming ideas at work – something that HudLand is currently hoping to achieve. replacement tool.
Ambassador Pham Sanh Chau commented: “First we must determine what the business’s problem is to see if the Malik tool is suitable for application. You have to know what your disease is to be able to treat it properly.”
Before these shares, after discussing and clarifying the contents, Dr. Duong Thu affirmed that when we solve problems with a system-wide mindset, the results will be more comprehensive and effective than from the perspective of just one person.