The Journey of Chief effective executive (CEE) Training course
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With the aim of conveying new philosophies towards an effective governance model, the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) has developed the Chief Effective Executive (CEE) program including 6 topics. The program was implemented by SLEADER from July 11 to July 26, 2020.
The Chief Effective Executive (CEE) suggests a new approach to modern governance, especially in the era of the Great Transition world with many unpredictable fluctuations and challenges. The course goes from perceiving the complex world to defining that the task of governance is results-oriented; exploring the factors that create efficiency from trust building, positive thinking and detecting strengths to achieve supremacy. With this approach, effective management is not following immediate benefits by “leapfrog” tools, but by the method of “right job, right person, right time”. Strengths of individuals as well as businesses are considered as leverage to promote and create outstanding results.
With many new and attractive contents, the Chief Effective Executive (CEE) program has attracted the participation of trainees from many enterprises in different fields such as Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN), T&T Group, Traphaco Joint Stock Company, Tan Hoang Mai Company. The combination of theoretical teaching and discussion of practical issues helps the trainees correctly discover and identify the role of an effective administrator in the face of the challenges of an ever-changing and unpredictable world.
Effective management is not only a task posed to the business leader, but also for each individual who wants to manage himself well. Therefore, the Chief Effective Executive (CEE) could be seen as a choice for anyone who wants to work effectively.
Some pictures of the course:

News and Photos:The Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER)