Training course on Application of The Malik Managenent Systems (MMS®) in Business Management
Viện Nghiên cứu Phát triển Lãnh đạo Chiến lược
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The training course on systematic thinking and application of the Malik Management System (MMS®) in Business Management for CEOs and senior managers was firstly organized in Vietnam on 8-9 November, 2019. The European level and world-class course is a cooperation between Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) and Malik Institute, Switzerland, delivered new models and tools that helps Vietnamese corporations make a breakthrough in the Great Transformation period.
In the context of changing business environment due to the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0, the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) has been founded to predicate a unique mission, that is, building up the resources of business leaders and managers with modern thinking and effective actions. SLEADER has cooperated with the Malik Institute, Switzerland as a strategic partner to deploy this challenging mission. Malik is the world leading institute in system management and cybernetic, governance and leadership which provides such excellent models and tools as EMM®, Syntegration, IMS®. After signing the MoU, Malik and Sleader co-organized two day course in Bao Son Hotel, Hanoi. Participants are CEOs and senior managers coming from big corporations in area of power, construction, telecommunication, high-technology agriculture.
Three lecturers who presented in this training course included: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Thanh is Malik Senior Fellow and a leading expert in systematic science and thinking in Vietnam. Dr. Thanh has been a pioneer in applying systematic thinking in development of sustainable management system for Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve; in strategy building for Hai Phong City with identity, vitality and competitiveness; Dr. Constantin Malik, an expert in complexity and change management, is the Executive Director for Global Relations and Development; Dr. Nam Nguyen, an expert in application of systematic thinking in complexity management, is the Director for Australia and ASEAN region.
Within 2 days, the lecturers and participants studied and discussed on concepts ( System Thinking, Iceberg) as well as tools of Malik management systems. The Integrated Malik Management Systems (IMS®) comprising 24 factors for the corporate performance, help businesses evaluate overall situations of corporate issues; The Malik sensitivity model analyses the impact of core issues on business, thereby determining the right leverage to make a breakthrough for the system. The Malik Standard Model of Managerial Effectiveness® include 5 missions, 6 principles, 7 tools; Viable System Model (VSM®) is useful for enterprises restructure; Malik SuperSyntegration (MSS®), an optimum method to solve simultaneously entire related issues of businesses.
Participants applied some tools into their enterprises, figured out the results, as well as expected to apply knowledge in reality after training course.
Photos of the training course:

News and Photo: Đặng Thị Hương Thảo (SLEADER)